Monday, April 16, 2007

Setting up the game

And we're off ... kind of. The first thing we do is agree the setting...

So far the suggestion is to have My Life On Mars (aka My Life With Guv'nor)
This would be 1970's England with Master as a hard-nosed policeman
Please comment on what you think about that setting

Assuming you agree...

I haven't watched Life On Mars. The idea seems to be to base Master on Detective Chief Inspector Gene Hunt (DCI Hunt). We don't have to be faithful to the series. In commenting on what follows you should think about what kind of character you want as Master. (Master will be the main antagonist in the game. Your player characters will be "minions" of Master, i.e. people who are involved with Master and, generally have to do what he says.)

I have a few prompts about DCI Hunt:
1. Comment on the extent to which he is: corrupt, scrupulous, jaded, idealistic, intellectual, streetwise, inspiring, threatening
2. Comment on his need. I.e. what does he require for sustenance? Some thoughts of mine: arrests, convictions, get criminals off the street by any means (pick one of these, please)
3. Comment on his want. I.e. to what does he aspire? Some thoughts of mine: promotion, take down Mr Big, get married and start a family (again pick one)

Apart from that, think about who your character is going to be. One of Hunt's coppers would be a possibility, but you could also be one of his informers, for example.
One thing you can't be is his wife; it's a rule that Master is single. Another thing is his superior, unless he has some hold over you...



Blogger autran said...

TJI Copper Caterpillar, who is having technical trouble:

I have a few prompts about DCI Hunt:
1. Comment on the extent to which he is: corrupt, scrupulous, jaded, idealistic, intellectual, streetwise, inspiring, threatening

He's not corrupt, as such (although I think he has several "arrangements" with nefarious types). He breaks police procedure (insofar as it exists) constantly and cheerfully commits illegal acts in pursuit of whoever he's decided dunnit. Wouldn't call him idealistic, really, and definitely not intellectual. Certainly streetwise, inspiring and threatening. Big on the threatening.

2. Comment on his need. I.e. what does he require for sustenance? Some thoughts of mine: arrests, convictions, get criminals off the street by any means (pick one of these, please)

Get (some) criminals off the street by (just about) any means. Pretty much anything short of murder.

3. Comment on his want. I.e. to what does he aspire? Some thoughts of mine: promotion, take down Mr Big, get married and start a family (again pick one)

He wants a safe city, I think, by removing the most unpleasant opposition.

9:06 am BST  
Blogger Dan said...

Triplets here. Will post more tomorrow but just a heads-up to say I'm still in.

5:40 am BST  
Blogger Dan said...

I have a few prompts about DCI Hunt:

1. He's not totally corrupt, he's after cracking crime by any means. Streetwise. Intuitive. He goes with his gut at all times.

He is, though, a product of the times and is a bit racist, homophobic, sexist and parochial. Good with grannies, though.

He'll usually prefer intimidation and rough housing and is never afraid of getting his mitts dirty.

Yes, big on the threatening.

2. He needs to get criminals off the street by any means necessary. He won't kill but he'll happily section a nasty bastard to the nuthouse if it'll stop him hurting people.

3. A safe Manchester. For scum to be behind bars, preferrably with a pair of broken legs.

Gene would never have a wife, I don't think but, I suppose, he wonders at the dead of night why Sam never looks at him like he does at that Cartwright tart.

2:59 pm BST  

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